Student Solution


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USA Patriot Act

USA Patriot Act

Q Choose a particular title or section within the USA PATRIOT Act that you think is most controversial. Discuss the issue as you see it, and explain your viewpoint within the context of balancing national security and the privacy rights of individuals.

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USA PATRIOT Act has been broadened for enhancing the power of the government in a proper manner. After the terrorist attack of 9/11, there was a need of such act. However, this PATRIOT Act is very much controversial. Title II has been chosen within the USA PATRIOTIC Act as this is most controversial. Therefore, it had undergone through amendment as well. Title II has amended The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA). This Title II has broadened the intelligence-collecting actions and electronic surveillance of government. In this way, the domestic terrorists have been controlled (The Freedom House, 2007).